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This is Digital Image and Video Processing taught at UCSB's Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.

Why am I writing this

I should probably be focusing on my research, but students in the class have asked for my notes, as well as some of the algorithmic implementations I have presented using Python.

These notes are very rough and my goal is mainly for students to better understand the topic. If these notes help you, I would love to hear about it! Throw a on the GitHub repo!

Where is the content from

Literally everywhere. Mostly Pradeep Sen's lecture slides, combined with the classic book, Digital Image Processing by R. C. Gonzalez & R. E. Woods1. I highly recommend you read that book to supplement what I am showing here. My notes will be terse compared to that book. I will try to find nice images on Wikipedia or make my own to showcase some of the concepts.

Who am I

My name is Amil Khan2, and I am a PhD student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UC Santa Barbara. I am also a TA for this Winter 2024 course.


  1. Gonzales, Rafael C., and Paul Wintz. Digital image processing. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1987.
